Hello Congregation and Visitors
Here is an overview as to “what to expect” when coming in to church now that Dane County has no more mandates.
Church times: Unless stated differently, church will be inside and at the normal times of 8:30am and 10:30am. A few outdoor services are planned for the summer, which will be one service, on Sunday June 27th and July 25th. One more will be scheduled for the end of August. Those services will be at 10am behind the church.
Livestream: Our 10:30am service will continue to be livestreamed. This has been a good opportunity for all of us at one time or another. The only time it will not be livestreamed is when we are outdoors for we do not have the capability to do so. However, outdoors is a good setting for most persons to gather together again and feel safe about it. We hope we are providing a good ministry opportunity for those few Sundays without livestream.
Sunday School: Sunday School is offered at both services. Children are dismissed after the musical portion of our service. Sunday school is for ages beginning at 3 1/2 years.
Communion: We have communion on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sundays of the month. Since Covid-19 we have been using pre-packaged cups/wafers. Although these are not my (Pastor Isaac’s) preferred method, they have been helpful during the pandemic. When you are first walking in the sanctuary on a communion Sunday, you will find that there is a table full of pre-packaged cups. Please take one or as many as you need for your group, and then we will all partake together at the right time of the service.
Do I need to be a member to take communion? No. We have what has traditionally been called an “open table.” If you can seek God with us, then you can take communion with us. No membership required.
What about children and communion? We allow children of all ages to take communion, but we leave this in the decision-making power of the parents. Not all families want their children to take communion. Some prefer they reach a certain age first. Therefore, please do what is best for you and your family.
Masks: The CDC says masks are not required in our setting if a person is vaccinated. I expect most of our people will not be wearing a mask. However, everyone has their own reasons for masking up. If you prefer to wear one, please feel comfortable in doing so. The CDC guidelines can be found here.